Reissue of Jack London’s socialist expose from 1903 with original photographic plates aims to shock with its depiction of early 20th-century poverty
Vandalism and the red hands of William Gladstone
Behind the red-handed statue of William Gladstone in Bow Churchyard is a story of silencing and resistance
East London Suffragettes: ‘more diverse than middle-class women marching around dressed in white’
New book commemorates a hundred years since a group of East End women led by Sylvia Pankhurst set up a splinter group of suffragettes
Iranian activist TV channel is operating out of Hackney Downs
Zanan TV grew out of the 2009 Green Movement and aims to fight for greater freedom for women in Iran
Everlasting Lives exhibition at St Joseph’s hospice
Photojournalist Eléonore de Bonneval asked patients at St Joseph’s Hospice to choose possessions that tell intimate stories about their lives. Here three patients reveal three of their choices
Dance festival in Isle of Dogs to give platform to new choreographers
Emerge 14 dance festival offers choreographers a chance to show and develop their work
Winterville festival reveals more programme details
A one-woman play inspired by Kate Bush, a travelling arts circus and family rave form part of the festive town’s eclectic line-up
The Voyeurs embrace equal opportunities for new album
New found togetherness makes The Voyeurs’ new album Rhubarb Rhubarb a gratifying listen
Gillian Riley on sausages – the breakfast of centurions
From Roman warrior snacks to Hackney’s designer links, food historian Gillian Riley tracks the many lives of the sausage
Facing The Realness: ex-offenders and care leavers to star in new musical at Hackney Downs Studios
A prison leaver tries to get his life back on track with mixed success in new musical The Realness by Big House Theatre company