After learning that their homes were to be demolished, the residents of Samuel House set about making the most of what time they had left there
Walead Beshty brings rubbish installation to Barbican Centre
A year’s worth of detritus and one of the earliest photographic techniques form the basis of Walead Beshty’s installation at the Barbican centre
Iain Sinclair launches 70×70 birthday book
Iain Sinclair discusses the changing face of cinema at book launch event
Gallery on Well Street to host Chinese Whispers exhibition
Dutch and British artists to explore how nationality affects their artistic practice in last big exhibition at the Karin Janssen Project Space
‘Unique’ Bethnal Green gasholders face uncertain future
A petition to save the Bethnal Green gasholders has already gained more than 1000 signatures
East London Strippers Collective wants to empower performers and change attitudes
The East London Strippers Collective (ELSC) is campaigning to redefine mainstream views of stripping – but is it dancing out of time with popular opinion?
East London sees return of Fringe! Underwire and Homeless film festivals
November is a bumper month for film with three film festivals returning to East London screens
YesNoDisco asks: is it sexy or sexist?
Public to decide over songs that tread the blurred line between ‘sexy’ and ‘sexist’ at the latest YesNoDisco club night
Stoke Newington pupils use Shakespeare to settle into secondary school life
Globe Education Project sees Year 7 students at Stoke Newington School explore notion of change by performing A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Scott Walker + Sunn O))): Soused at St John at Hackney – ‘ridiculously sublime, sublimely ridiculous’
Fans of Scott Walker gathered last month at St John at Hackney church to hear the artist’s latest album, a collaboration with Sunn O)))